
Posted in Engineering by astrozip on April 29, 2010


2 Responses

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  1. Akshay Raje said, on April 29, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    Awesome concept dude!

  2. Shreyas Prometheus said, on July 11, 2011 at 12:46 am

    Sir , Take a bow.

    You’re a very talented guy , I’ll give you that , and your interpretation on how the 4 years in an excuse of a Educational Experience we know as ‘Mumbai University’ so thoroughly reflects my sentiments.

    So , Here’s a digital handshake (whatever that is.. seemed cheesy anyway) to you , for your contributions to the web and empowering me to derive a slight , but honest smile , whilst I devoured the contents of your blog.

    Shreyas Gune (another Prisoner from the University of Nothing)

    PS- The FML Comic was the most emotional for me. The Lamb of God Concert miss , it pains till this very day.

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