Quick, get it!

Posted in TV by astrozip on June 8, 2010

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  1. Krushanu said, on June 8, 2010 at 11:11 pm

    Moe has an almost nonexistent love life due to his vulgarity towards women and his ugly appearance. Despite this, Moe has had a number of romantic experiences, including sleeping with his bartender Collette, [2] dating a woman named Renee, [3] and enjoying the company of many women after he had plastic surgery.[4] He also has a relationship and proposed to a little person named Maya, but Maya broke up with him after Moe kept cracking jokes about her height. He has long been infatuated with Marge Simpson, whom he calls ‘Midge’, and has on occasion tried to win her away from Homer.[5][6] He has been romantically involved with Edna Krabappel[7] as well as Marge’s sister Selma. Moe’s romantic attractions have resulted in run-ins with the law; he has stalked Maude Flanders and other townspeople, he must register as a sex offender, and he has a restraining order placed upon him. At one point he is seen on his way to a “V.D. clinic”.[8] Moe has also proposed marriage to a WNBA mascot, even knowing that the character inside the mascot is Gil Gunderson. Despite his creepy approach, Moe has showed to be a caring and devoted lover. While dating Renee (and previously Edna), he wholeheartedly spoiled them with whatever they wanted and vowed to give up his bar and take them away from Springfield forever, even if it means losing his own money and doing illegal acts to make more money. When he thought he finally won Marge’s heart, he promised to be a better lover than Homer.

  2. Your Mom said, on June 8, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    Engineering rocks.

  3. moonfang711 said, on June 13, 2010 at 7:12 am

    Waahh! Explain, explain, I don’t get it at all and I don’t care about the iPod. 😀

  4. moonfang711 said, on June 20, 2010 at 6:48 am

    haha, I knew I was bad at math. I didn’t even realize this was a math equation. 😀

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